Our programme

Deutsch-polnische Sommerschule: Grenzen suchen, finden, überwinden Learn more
Bildungsurlaub: Dänisch für Beruf und Alltag A1 Learn more
Sommertage in Litauen und dem Memelland Learn more
Sommerseminar: Nordfriesland - Land der Vielfalt Learn more
Sommerkurs: Region - Nation - Europa Learn more

Education and debates, free space and breathing space.

The fine ambience in and around the Academy Centre Sankelmark provides an excellent setting for a good balance of education and recreation, concentration and exchange.

The centre is located south of Flensburg in a small wooded area next to a lake. In addition to our own seminars on political education, history, culture and religion, literature and fine arts, educational leaves and travel, the house and services create a good environment for your seminars as a company, association or institution.

Download our current programme  here.

Discover further offers

Are you interested in an even broader programme of courses or are you looking for different premises for your event? Visit our partner  institutions: Like us, the IBJ Scheersberg and Nordsee Akademie belong to the German Border Association.

Rapsfeld vor der IBJ Scheersberg.
Bildungsstätte Scheersberg Zur Website
Menschen unterhalten sich vor der Nordsee Akademie.
Nordsee Akademie Zur Website
Deutscher Grenzverein e. V. Deutscher Grenzverein e. V.

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